The women of The University of Memphis can look forward to twodays of glitz and glamour next week.
The U of M Golden Key International Honour Society, anorganization that recognizes the academic top 15 percent of juniorsand seniors, will hold a fundraiser called Glamour You.
"We are very excited about it," said Torrence McKnight,assistant of financial aid, who has been Golden Key's advisor sinceMarch 2003. "This is one of the fundraisers that help us donatehardback thesauruses and dictionaries to the homeless and theTennessee Baptist Children's Home, which is one of our serviceprojects."
Members of Glamour You, a nationwide fundraising organization,will take beauty photographs of female students Oct. 17 and 18 atthe River's Edge.
"It is a $20 sit in fee," said Desire� Robertson, GoldenKey's graduate advisor. "Participants can come with their nails andhair done, but they cannot have makeup on. They will receive a freemakeover and a 10x13 picture. We offer eight different poses."
Four of the participants have a chance to win a free picturepackage worth up to $298.
"I think it's a wonderful opportunity for an organization toraise money," said Golden Key's president Christopher Robbins, a22-year-old education graduate student. "It is also a great way toget your name out to folks. Members of our organization have beenquite successful selling spots."
Those wanting to participate must buy their tickets byMonday.
"Spots for Oct. 17 have already been filled," said Robbins. "ButOct. 18 is still open. It will go from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m."
The U of M chapter of Golden Key attended the organization'sinternational convention July 31, where they ranked among the top25 of 335 chapters across the globe. The organization has kept busyever since.
"We just had our open house Wednesday," Robbins said. "It was agood turnout and hopefully will attract a whole bunch of membersfor our induction ceremony. That will be held Nov. 5 at 7 p.m. inthe Faulkner Lounge."
The induction is an annual event that ends Golden Key's yearlymembership drive.
"We usually induct over 250 people," said Robertson. "We haverepresentatives from our international headquarters and honorarymembers attend, as well as friends and family."
Golden Key will also have a yard sale Oct. 18 in the Lakelandcommunity as well as a masquerade ball at the Baptist Children'sHome Oct. 30.
"As graduate advisor, I enjoy working with the Golden Key teamof advisors and chapter officers," said Robertson. "It has been agreat joy to speak to perspective who are interested in joining oursociety and my wonderful experience with the chapter, the SouthernRegion and international chapter leaders and members."
For information or to purchase a ticket, call 413-4066 or461-0285.