The Middle East and the war in Iraq are just a couple of thecurrent issues The University of Memphis Tiger Democrats andCollege Republicans will debate next week.
John Murry and Rashid Koja will represent the views of the TigerDemocrats while Chuck Grimes will speak on behalf of the CollegeRepublicans in a debate Thursday, Oct. 13 at 12:30 p.m. in front ofthe University Center.
The debate will cover a number of issues, including nationalsecurity, the economy, fiscal responsibility and civil liberties,as well as the Middle East and the war in Iraq.
"We plan to discuss the Republican plan to fire police officers,make the middle class pay for things like education while givingthe rich huge tax breaks," Murry said.
Murry said he is disappointed that Andrew McGarrity, CollegeRepublicans and Student Government Association president will notbe able to attend the debate.
"This is something we agreed about over two months ago to dowith him," Murry said. "Now he's saying that he can't personally doit and someone has to take his place."
He is tied to an important SGA meeting, he is the president andthat is his first priority, Grimes said on McGarrity's behalf.
Members of the College Republicans plan to defend the BushAdministration's record while members of the Tiger Democrats areeager to critique it.
"We are just going to debate a broad range of issues in contextof who will lead the country better in the upcoming elections,"Koja said.
Although McGarrity cannot personally attend the debate, membersof the College Republicans plan to be strongly represented.
"Grimes will be one speaker, and we're still trying to decide onthe other," McGarrity said. "We have so many people that we'restill trying to decide."