Resource 25, a new Web-based program to help ease the way forscheduling student activities and events, was launched today.
"Events across campus will be entered into the system andtherefore accessible to all students, staff, faculty andadministrators of The University as well as the larger Memphiscommunity," said Jean Rakow, consultant of the president'soffice, adding that the resource "will be a wonderfulcommunication tool for all of us."
Resource 25 is a scheduling program that will provideinformation about what is happening at The University of Memphis.The Web site includes, among many events, concerts, classes andmeetings, and if an event is canceled, a notification will beposted on the Web site as well.
People and organizations wanting to schedule space for eventsmust do so through an assigned scheduler. Each college, school ordivision will have one or more schedulers.
Events can be scheduled through December 2005, and generally,scheduling is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
However, there are two exceptions. Classroom use for teachingtakes precedence over any other use, as do student-related eventsin facilities paid for with student fees, such as the Rose Theatreor the University Center.
Rakow said Resource 25 will help The University in five key ways-- information, public relations, space utilization, increasedinteraction and communication with auxiliary services.
The idea for this type of service has been floating around forabout four years.
"The need for a campus-wide scheduling process has beenunderstood by The University for many years now," said Rakow."After much research, The University chose Resource 25 tohandle this activity."
The U of M has been setting up the program for about a year now,and as with any new program, Rakow said she sees problems in thefuture.
"I believe the problems we will encounter will be processrelated," Rakow said. "This process dictates that weshift the way we think about scheduling. As a campus, we need tothink in terms of the best space to host the event, rather thanusing the space we 'know.'"
University officials said it is important to be courteous whenscheduling events in other buildings.
"We need to remember that it's not your space or my space,it's our space, space we all share and have access to at TheUniversity," said Martha Alberg, executive assistant to thepresident. "The purpose of this program is to make us allbetter stewards of the space at The University."
Resource 25 access is available at The University's main Webpage,
Resource 25Schedulers |
Listed below are schedulers forspecific types of activities and events, and their University emailaddresses:
Alumni: Tammy Hedges, Athletics: Bob Young, Lynne Parkes, Maintenance: Drew Schmitz, Public Services: Liz Buck, Student Events: Laruth Lofties, |