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Marriage, children increase students' workload

Responsibility -- a word that frightens even the most dedicatedstudents.

The responsibilities of the average college student range fromhomework to social and extracurricular activities. Some studentseven have jobs.

But not all students' responsibilities end there. Many havedouble the load because they are either married, have children orboth.

Chris Little, University of Memphis senior special educationmajor, knows the battle of both.

"When you are married and have children, you have more(responsibilities), and you have more people to consider besidesyourself," Little said.

Little was re-married six months ago and added two stepchildrento his own.

"They have needs, like your time, homework help, rides toactivities and other things," Little said.

Little has found help from The University through the Office ofAdult and Commuter Students.

"The University has been helpful with my transition. Most of myclasses are convenient. The Adult Student Association helps me findout about things, like where to go for help and so forth. So, TheUniversity works with me," Little said.

The University defines an adult student as a student who hasadult responsibilities beyond college courses, no matter the age.This includes the various married college students and those whoare unmarried with children.

The Office of Adult and Commuter Students in the UniversityCenter caters to the needs of students who may not feel aconnection to The University due to commuting or outsideinfluences, like children or spouses.

Karen Green, an office assistant in the Adult and CommuterStudent Office, said the office's purpose is to make the adultstudents meet other students like themselves and provide an outletfor them that includes opportunities for social exchanges.

"We have picnics, cook outs, potlucks and family game nightswith pizza and appropriate game-room activities," Green said.

Green also shared what she believes to be the challenge ofmarried college students.

"The time with the partner is limited," Green said.

The U of M does provide housing for married students and thosewith children. The Family Housing Complex, also known as marriedhousing, is located on the South Campus of The U of M.

"Students who live on South Campus at family housing are eithermarried or have children living with them," said Glenda Barton,office coordinator of Resident Life.

"I was raising my children alone," Little said. "But now I havea spouse who is a support system."

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