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Let freedom tell who is

A week ago today we remembered the lives lost during the awfulSeptember 11 attacks. While looking back, it is appropriate toevaluate the progress and effectiveness of this two-year-long waron terror.

It has been difficult coming to grips with the fact that Americahas determined enemies who hate what America represents --freedom.

It was the terrorists' hatred for these freedoms that drove themto commit the atrocities we saw two years ago. If they had theirway, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to vote, andmany more freedoms would be a memory.

With this in mind, ask yourself, are we as free today as we werebefore the attacks?

I think the answer is clearly yes. We are winning the War onTerror, and America is more secure, and free, because of it.

This nation has made security its top priority. Following theattacks we acted quickly and decisively to ensure that the freedomsenjoyed yesteryear are still enjoyed today.

By rooting out terrorists cells, starving terrorist funding, andpursuing nations that harbor terrorists we are stopping,eliminating and destroying terrorist operations.

What could be a better measure of success for the War on Terrorthan by the degree of freedom we presently enjoy? Let freedom tellif we are headed down the road to victory. Let freedom tell whetheror not we are better or worse off today. It will tell you, withcertainty, that the land of the free remains so, because we arefighting and winning the war with great resolve.

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