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Dems disregard "truth, tolerance"

Dear Editor:

On September 3rd you printed a letter to the editor that stunnedme. That letter was from a Mr. Jason Hillner, Chairman of the newlyfounded Tiger Democrats. Mr. Hillner painted a startling andshocking picture about students of higher education and about thepolitical system in which we exist.

Mr. Hillner says in his letter to the editor, that a largenumber of students are turning to a more conservative opinionbecause their education is failing them. He states, "as Republicanscontinue to cut back on spending for higher education, studentsbecome less aware of the issues." I find this position highlyskeptical, yet, Mr. Hillner even goes so far as to say, "Historyproves that when people are informed, they vote Democrat." Excuseme?

Is Mr. Hillner saying that all Republicans are ignorant,uneducated fools? Anyone with the slightest bit of sense can tellthat is hyperbole at best, an out right lie at worst. Any number ofhighly educated persons can be listed under the Republican wing, ascan any number of highly educated persons be listed under theDemocrat wing, so it baffles me that he blanketly slurs theRepublican party in this way.

To further muddle Mr. Hillner's message he adds a plea to womenand minority students, informing them that women exiting collegewill receive twenty percent less than a man in an equal positionand that minority students will find their money for college gone,because of tax cuts and, strangely enough, Bill Gates. Perhaps I ammistaken again, but I do not see how these issues are the fault ofthe current Republican leadership, let alone Bill Gates.

There has long been a disparity between male and female wagesand I am doubtful that had Al Gore been elected that would havevanished in the past three years. The same concept applies to thefunding of school for minority students, I do not believe that aDemocratic-held Congress could magic away all these problems. Thesecongressmen possess no more magical abilities than Republicanones.

By the time I finished reading Mr. Hillner's letter to theeditor, I was shocked. Not so much by his liberal bias, but by hisblatant disregard for truth, fairness, or tolerance. This is thefirst time since 1953 that the presidency and the Congress havebeen held by the Republican party simultaneously.

And I for one have a very hard time believing that they havemanaged to ruin the United States of America in three years. Letalone that the gradual change in student leanings is becausestudents are uneducated. If anything, I would go so far to say thatthe radical and intolerant view of Mr. Hillner is more in line ofsomeone is who poorly educated, but I'm sure that's just George W.Bush's fault.

Daryl Bridges


English Major

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