Pink is not one of The University of Memphis school colors, butyou will see it on spirit wear at the University Bookstore.
"Headquarters suggested pink," said assistant manager BobbieBaldwin.
That headquarters is Barnes and Noble, who owns the campusbookstore and through which all vendors must go before bringingtheir wares to Baldwin or store manager Beth Cain. Some of the pinkfashions include a sold out pink and gray hooded sweatshirt. Alsoavailable in pink is a softball tee with three-quarter lengthsleeves.
"Pink has been a hot topic. It's a different way for students toshow their school spirit but still express their individuality,"said Cain.
Not only is pink a new color but now students can find a varietyof shades of blue in Tiger wear.
"We try to have things in our store that are basic enough butfashionable as well," explained Cain. Cain's background in retailincludes working for Old Navy for seven years.
Buying for the bookstore is not as easy as looking in a catalogfor Baldwin and Cain. Barnes and Noble college bookstoresclassifies each of its bookstores into levels depending onsales.
Currently, The University of Memphis bookstore is a level Cstore, the highest level being A. This means the variety ofclothing options is narrower.
"We do get to choose but it is limited," said Baldwin.
For some, the styles aren't worth the price. Sophomore BrandyWilliams doesn't think there is enough variety and the prices aretoo high.
Sophomore Miranda Dethrow would like to see halter-tops.
"I like the different colors and the variety of sweatshirts andapparel," said freshman Danita Berry.
Some of the most popular styles according to Baldwin are hoodedsweatshirts and shorts and pants with writing across the back,which came out last year but now are available with "Memphis" or"Tigers."
Because it's so comfortable, "yoga wear is really hot," saidCain.
From semester to semester, Baldwin said she tries to mix it upwith a variety of logos from just "Memphis" to "University ofMemphis" to "Tigers" and so on. They also buy a variety of brandssuch as Champion, Gear, U-Trau and League.
"The price varies depending on brand name and quality," saidBaldwin. "Sweatshirt prices vary from tackle twill to stitchedlogos."
Baldwin said they bought more women's apparel this year becauseof the high demand. They bought less childrens' clothing becausesales were not as expected last year, although some students buychildren's extra-large sizes because they like the style.
"The most popular in kids' clothing is the little cheerleadingoutfit," said Baldwin.
The bookstore's hours are Monday thru Thursday from 7:45 a.m. to6 p.m., Friday from 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday from 10a.m. to 2 p.m. Students can also shop online at