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For students needing class help, ESP move to Mitchell confusing

The Educational Support Program has spread across The Universityof Memphis campus, literally.

ESP's main office, academic enhancement center andscience-learning center have all moved from Dunn Hall to MitchellHall. The main office is now in Room 405, the academic enhancementcenter in 415 and the science-learning center in 404 ofMitchell.

Barbara Bekis, who has been ESP coordinator in Dunn Hall for 21years, was told the academic departments were growing fast. MovingESP would cost less money and be quicker.

"It wasn't expected and was on very short notice," Bekis said."We had a one week notice of the move date."

Since the move, Bekis said it has been harder for students tofind ESP.

"Students have come saying they couldn't find us," she said."And with our phones and computers just now up, we have been reallybehind."

The move put ESP's fall semester operations on hold for a bit,leaving the math-learning center behind in the move.

"One major disadvantage of the move was the math-learning centernot opening on schedule," Bekis said, adding that the center is avery important component of ESP.

The math-learning center moved from the second to the firstfloor of Dunn and into the former offices of the main office andacademic enhancement center.

Bekis noted good points about the move, too.

"We see a different student traffic in Mitchell," she said. "Andwe are more central within the campus."

Despite the initial holdups, ESP is not letting the move detourthem.

"We have the advantage of a new start," Bekis said. "We've movedup and have expanded our areas of influence. This move gives us achance to look at ESP's effectiveness and possibly re-evaluateprograms."

Student opinions of the move have been mixed.

"I was surprised," said sophomore Chuck Grimes, a 19-year-oldpolitical science major. "I found out when I decided to walk toDunn to say hello."

Grimes does see advantages of having ESP headquartered inMitchell.

"I think it's closer and more convenient for students aroundcampus," he said. "People can take advantage of that."

Other students agreed that the mid-campus location is aplus.

"I like it because it's more central," said senior GeralynnWilliams, a 25-year-old biology major. "The science-learning centeris a lot easier to access."

But some weren't so convinced.

"Personally, I thought it was better where it was," saidsophomore Calvin Bell, a 19-year-old computer engineeringtechnology major.

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