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Changes in Tiger Den go beyond food

There have been some changes in the Tiger Den recently and notjust the Chick-fil-a.

When first walking into the Den students might be visuallyinundated by new signs. One sign offers a $3 Tiger Den certificateif a receipt is not given at the time of purchase.

"Whether or not you ask for it," you should receive a receiptevery time, said Jason Nall, location manager of the Tiger Den.

The receipt deal gives cashiers incentive to charge correctlyand allows customers to verify their purchases.

Another sign asks students to show receipts to cashiers beforeexiting the food court. This is one of the checks and balances theTiger Den uses to prevent theft. Nall says employees will randomlyask to see a receipt.

Another sign asks students to enter through turnstiles. Althoughthe traffic elsewhere around campus might have issues, the TigerDen is rerouting people from going through the cashier lines whilepeople are trying to pay.

"So they know who's going in and going out," Cashier LaRhondaBrown said, but also added, "It doesn't work."

Although Chuck Wigington, assistant director of Dining Services,said, there hasn't been a problem with crime, "there has been theopportunity for theft. We want to minimize that opportunity."

One change in the Tiger Den and in Wilder Tower is theflat-screen plasma televisions. The TV provides 60 percent localinformation for students and 40 percent content provided by TheUniversity of Memphis.

It is intended to be another source of information on localevents and news for students and faculty, an official said.

For those of you who heard that the Tiger Den would be gettingan ATM this semester, don't hold your breath. While it is possible,Vice President for Business and Finance Charles Lee doesn't thinkit is likely.

The fact behind that rumor is that The University is taking bidsfor several new ATMs around campus. While the bid should have beencompleted already, many of the applicants didn't reply asrequested. The bids should be in today and then a decision will bemade, Lee said.

The suggested locations for the new ATMs are Wilder Tower, TheUniversity Center and possibly Jones Hall.

While it may seem convenient to many students to have an ATM inthe Tiger Den, banks might not see that as the most profitablelocation, Lee said.

"They want to put ATMs in the most traveled space and the TigerDen closes, so the ATM wouldn't be available at night, althoughthey will do their own assessments," he said.

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