Sean Connery is really not much of an actor as much as he is afamous accent.
With that said, I would have to say that the writing in TheLeague of Extraordinary Gentlemen was so terrible and the plot soconfusingly unmotivated that even if Connery, or any of the castfor that matter, could act it still would not have made adifference. I can assure you it was only my professional duty as afilm reviewer that I didn't get up and leave.
The story begins with a hulk-beast destroying London, and thenan Englishman goes to Africa to convince a fellow Englishman(Connery) with baggage (his son was killed on a mission for GreatBritain) to join this band of freaks to fight some world-conqueringthreat. The rest of the league all have abnormalities - there is avampiress, a pirate and an invisible man, and they pick up aninvincible man, Tom Sawyer and the hulk-creature who turns out tobe Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
This cluster of mismatched folk stories go to Venice to try andbeat the ridiculously clich� villain, who is trying to blowup Venice using a domino effect of some kind. The team drives theircar, shoots a flare and stops the city from blowing up. One oftheir own turns out to be a traitor, and the team takes a submarinewith holes in it that floats to escape. They take their holey subto Outer Mongolia where the bad guy is making weapons of massdestruction and imprisoning scientists. The movie was so bad Ibegan to daydream to occupy myself, and developed a theory thatPresident Bush saw this movie in an advanced screening and that waswhere he got his flawed information about Iraq trying to getnuclear weapons.
Anyway, the jokes are so off that the only time I startedlaughing was at one point where a major character is shot and issupposed to be dead, and you can still see him breathing. I guessif I were the director of a movie this bad I wouldn't sweat thesmall stuff either.
I thought maybe it was sleep deprivation that caused the plot tohave no direction or make any sense, but my movie-going friendswere equally ready to leave well before the movie's end.
I recommend steering clear from this catastrophe. If you don't,don't say I didn't warn you.