The Tennessee Board of Regents awarded the FedEx Center forSupply Chain Management the Academic Excellence Award, which givesUniversity of Memphis--hands on "real world" businessexperience.
So far, 40 projects have been completed by the center, which isnamed for The U of M's corporate partner. The center, created in1993, is part of a strategic alliance between The University andFedEx and is one of The University's signature programs.
The center "is well known for its revolutionary advancements insupply chain management," said U of M President Shirley Raines in apress release issued this week.
The FedEx Center works mainly with graduate and doctoralstudents in the marketing department of the Fogelmen College ofBusiness and Economics.
The center conducts research to achieve maximum efficiency inthe chain from the when a customer requests a service to the finalservice rendered to that specific customer, according to LauraEdwards, assistant director for the center.
Projects undertaken by the FedEx Center include new productdevelopment, order fulfillment, international supply chainmanagement, customer service and support, facility location,warehousing and inventory management.
The center is currently undertaking a project of the City ofMemphis criminal justice system process from start to finish, saidEdwards. The system is a chain from the court system to the finalconviction process, she said.
The Med is using the center's research, according to Edwards, tostreamline patient flow.
The funding for the center is entirely supported by outsidefunding from FedEx, key FedEx costumers and other companies. Thosefunding companies are the Ford Motor Company, L.L. Bean, HewlettPacker, Best Buy, First Tennessee, The Med and the Memphis HousingAuthority.
The University of Memphis is part of the Tennessee Board ofRegents that gave The University the award at it's quarterlymeeting in Chattanooga on June 26.