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U of M begins measures to prevent SARS

The University of Memphis has issued a policy to deal withpossible severe acute respiratory syndrome threats, although, nocases of SARS have been reported in Memphis or The U of M.

The policy, which applies to all faculty, staff and students, isnot mandatory but "strongly encouraged" and can lead todisciplinary action if not followed, according to U of Mofficials.

University officials began actively discussing a SARS policy afew months ago, according to Assistant Vice President of StudentAffairs and Dean of Students William Porter.

The university sent a message regarding SARS on May 8, advisingof travel warnings by the United States Centers for Disease Controland Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

The current policy discourages anyone from traveling to SARSinfected areas. If staff, faculty and students do choose to travelthey should return to Memphis 10 days before they resume on campusactivity.

After the 10-day period they must be checked for any SARSinfection by Student Health Services (SHS). The 10-day period isspecified because an infection would appear within 10 days, saidDr. Wayne Capooth, University physician.

Symptoms include fever above 100.4 F, headache, discomfort, andbody aches and mild respiratory symptoms, reports the CDC. After afew days, some SARS patients may develop a dry cough and may havetrouble breathing.

A student can receive a hardship exception from SHS that givesthem a "conditional clearance" to attend classes and livein residence halls. A hardship exception can be given if a studentis not able under any circumstances to avoid travel to SARSaffected areas. The student with such exception will be required tobe monitored twice daily by SHS for fever and symptoms.

SARS is spread by close person-to-person contact, such askissing, hugging or eating after a person who is infected, reportsthe CDC. A close conversation (within three feet) with a SARSinfected person can cause infection.

"The classroom is not considered close contact," saidCapooth, "it is considered casual contact."

Casual contact also includes walking by or sitting across from aSARS infected person for a brief period of time.

The policy also outlines procedures for staff and faculty whohave traveled to SARS infected areas. The university recognizes theneed for some faculty member to travel to SARS affected areasbecause some have grant funds for such travel.

They should also arrive 10 days before resuming campus duties,and like students, they must show proof of their arrival and becleared by SHS. Faculty and staff are required to take sick leavewithout pay if necessary until the 10 day period is up.

On Monday the WHO removed Hong Kong from its list of SARSinfected Areas, but Beijing, Taiwan and Toronto remained on thelist.

Country Area Exit screening for international travellersdeparting area Traveller to consider postponing all butessential travel to area
Canada Toronto Yes No
China Beijing Yes Yes
China Taiwan Yes No

Source: World Health Organization This table, updated daily,indicates those areas with recent local transmission of SARS forwhich WHO has issued recommendations pertaining to internationaltravel.

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