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U of M Physical Plant receives award

A new system in which Physical Plant employees leave blue cardsto notify department members that the work-service order theyrequested has actually been completed is just one aspect of theinitiatives that earned them an honor based on their quality ofservice.

The University of Memphis Physical Plant received the GreaterMemphis Association for Quality level III award, GMAQ officialsannounced Tuesday.

The criteria for the award -- which consists of leadership,strategic planning, customer and market focus, measurement analysisand knowledge management, human resource focus, process managementand business results -- are evaluated in a report submitted to theGMAQ by each participating organization.

Drew Schmitz, communications specialist with the Physical Plant,said Plant employees are proud of the recognition from GMAQ. Thereport the department submitted was a collaboration of everyemployee in the department, he added.

James Lippy, executive director of GMAQ, said the Physical Plantwas the only department at The University that has participated inthe program, but he expects more participation from otherdepartments in the future.

"I think we're going to get more from The University, andI've made several presentations on campus," Lippy said."President Raines knows about the (award) and is verysupportive."

In addition to the new blue card system, Schmitz also said thedepartment has put together desktop reference books so other peoplewithin the department can be familiar with the daily duties ofother employees. These reference books prevent the office fromslowing down just because one employee is absent.

The Physical Plant has also developed a report card system soall of their employees can see how well their department is runningand where it needs improvement. Customer satisfaction, productionefficiency, accident and injury-free days, training and safety andbuilding inspections are the five grades the plant gives itselfevery month.

"Safety is a big issue here," Schmitz said. "Weeven have a full-time industrial safety specialist. With 202buildings, over 1,000 acres of land and over 20,000 students youhave to be very careful of where you are and what you'redoing."

Another way to increase job performance for the Physical Plantis an e-mail notification system. Every time a job is completed,the individual who ordered the job receives an e-mail so he or shecan evaluate the Physical Plant's performance. Employees can thenevaluate themselves more effectively.

Applications the competitors submit are evaluated by GMAQassociates, who give feedback to the individual departments on whatthey are doing well and what needs improvement.

The GMAQ is a nonprofit organization that promotes andrecognizes excellence in the workplace. The organization is in itstenth year in Memphis. It is a derivative of the Malcolm BaldrigeNational Quality Award established by the U.S. Congress in1987.

Three different levels of recognition make up the program. Allthree levels require each applicant to submit a five-page summaryof what they are doing to achieve a higher quality workplace. Alevel II applicant will submit an 18-page self assessment inaddition to the summary, and a level III applicant will submit a35-page report describing, detailing actions they have taken to bea better business.

The Physical Plant has already won all three level awards.

Schmitz said Physical Plant employees have further aspirationsto improve and work toward the GMAQ's highest honor, the Pyramid ofExcellence. This recognition is not awarded every year.

"With the budget cuts going on, we really need departmentevaluation to see what we do well and what we can improve on,"Schmitz said. "We want to do well for The University. We wantto showcase The University."

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