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Students rush to meet tax day deadline

April 15 is coming fast, and that means tax day for Americans --even University of Memphis students.

Citizens and businesses across the nation are rushing to gettheir taxes done on time. However, many students are also in themidst of tax preparations.

One option popular with younger taxpayers is online filing.

"I did it (filed taxes) on the computer because it wasconvenient," said Brandi Leatherwood, a 20-year-old music businessmajor. "It was pretty easy. I just had to make sure I mailed offthe final form."

Pamela LaRue, accountant clerk in the students' account sectionof the Bursar's Office, said they get calls from students on taxproblems. She said most such calls are from students who neverreceived their tax forms from The U of M.

LaRue said they mail the tax forms in January, however they canalso be found at the 1098-T form Web site, and

For those who have additional questions, Larue said the officedirects them to a tax office or to the library.

Students can obtain many tax forms from the tax display on thefirst floor of the McWherter Library.

Adrianne Akpan, an assistant in the Financial Aid Office, saidthey often get questions from students on taxes. She said thequestions often focus on student loans, which counselors normallyhandle.

For some U of M students, tax time is not a stress. Theirparents take care of the preparations.

"My mom did it, so I don't have to do it," said Jonathan Pratt,a 19-year-old freshman graphic design major. "I don't make thatmuch money so it's not hard."

Pratt said he could probably do it, but he is worried he mightmess it up.

Information about government provided tax help can be found atthe IRS Web site.

Students can also call 1-800-829-1040 for live tax assistance or1-800-829-3676 to place an order for tax forms, instructions andpublications.

Students can mail their returns to the IRS, file taxes onlinewith e-file at, or fax their returns to 703-368-9694anytime.

In Memphis, the location for free governmental tax help is at 22N. Front St. on the fourth floor from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondaythrough Friday with special additional hours nearing deadline. Thenumber for the office is (901) 544-3243.

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