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Soccer has a good time raising big bucks

The University of Memphis men's and women's soccer programsraised six to eight thousand dollars at their 3rd annual silentauction held at The Pyramid, Tuesday night.

The event, hosted by local sports broadcaster Jarvis Greer, wasa success which drew about 130 people, men's coach Richie Grantsaid.

Items that were auctioned off included jerseys autographed byCindy Parlow, Landon Donovan and Mia Hamm. Also auctioned were golfand soccer equipment as well as a six-person fishing trip inDestin, Fla. which was purchased by former player Peter Bermel.

"It's nice that everyone has supported our program thoroughly,"Grant said. "What's great is the exposure for our program."

How did Grant get the idea of holding a silent auction?

"I got the idea from Dave Anderson, the (Tiger) baseball coach,"Grant said. "He brought in (major league manager and U.S. Olympicteam manager) Tommy Lasorda and we thought this would be a greatidea for the soccer team."

The first year the soccer programs held a silent auction theyraised more than $19,ooo which helped fund a trip to Ireland.

Much of the money the event raised this year came from the 10tables that were each purchased for $400 by various companies, suchas First Tennessee and Soccer USA.

They hope to use this year's money to install new lights atEchles Field and improve the teams' training facilities.

"It's one of the best nights of the year for our program," Grantsaid. "It acknowledges that there is a group of people out therethat want the soccer program here to be succesful."

Grant said one of the best things about the auction is that itallows the soccer programs to be seen in somewhere other than onthe field.

"The event brings exposure to the programs and lets people knowmore about us," Grant said.

The women's team opens their season Aug. 22, against WesternKentucky, while the men's team 2003 schedule is not yetfinalized.

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