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Freedom of speech also means freedom not to listen

I write this in response to the Speaking Volumes column thatappeared in the April 18 issue of The Helmsman. I agree thatfreedom of speech is one of our most sacred rights as Americans andthis right, like all the other rights we have, should be protected.All Americans should be allowed the right to voice their opinions,and I believe that we all are, but that does not mean that otherpeople have to listen to those opinions! The Anti-war supporterscan go on television and babble about whatever they want to, butthat does not mean that the network has to allow the broadcast tocontinue.

The network has just as much of a right to not broadcast aperson's views as a person has to make those views. People like(Tim) Robbins and (Susan) Sarandon want to let their views beheard, but they do not seem to want to face the repercussions oftheir speaking out. In the same way, a person cannot speak harshlyagainst his or her boss and then expect to get a promotion. It isup to the individual to analyze the possible effects of what he orshe says before saying it.

I feel that many Americans are spoiled. We often think thatpeople have to listen to whatever we have to say when that is notthe case at all.

The First Amendment gives Americans the right to speak freely,but it does not give us the right to be heard.

Britt Taylor


Business Management

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