How will The University of Memphis honor someone like DonaldCarson, who has had such a great influence on students and studentleadership for nearly three decades?
One way is by attaching the name of the retiring vice presidentof Student Affairs to the first student hall of fame - the CarsonCircle.
"The Carson Circle acknowledges the commitment to service,particularly to The U of M, by graduating seniors," said WilliamPorter, assistant vice-president of Student Affairs and dean ofstudents. "It is really a great tribute to those named because ithonors a high level of contribution. It is also an award that isfor students who carry out, in their lives, the principles andvalues modeled by Dr. Carson."
This is the first time The University has had a hall of fame,and people inducted become Carson fellows.
"The hall of fame is the highest honor a graduating studentleader can receive," said Angela Dunlap, coordinator of the StudentActivities Council. "It's a way of glorifying the students who havegiven their all to The University, to the community and to thestudent body."
The Carson Circle will also be an honor to its namesake, notjust the students inducted. Carson served for 29 years at The U ofM and will retire with the last day of class this semester.
"Dr. Carson exemplified friendliness by knowing the students andrecognizing their backgrounds," said Mario Brown, outgoingpresident of the SAC. "By knowing and recognizing studentdiversity, he makes The U of M a better place."
Brown explained that a selection committee consisted ofrepresentatives from the Dean of Students Office, Greek Life,Residence Life, the Minority Affairs Office, the coordinator ofStudent Activities and the Office of Student Leadership, to name afew.
Officials announced the names of inductees for the springsemester April 13 at the President's Leadership RecognitionAwards.
Those chosen to be in the hall of fame must qualify to fitwithin the motto of "Carsonism," Brown said.
"Students must be seniors and must be in good judicial standingwith The University," Brown said. "The main focus is to exemplifythe ideas and styles of Dr. Carson, which means showing strongleadership and dedication to the community."