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Duo crafts album as sweet as candy

Many music critics consider The White Stripes to be at theforefront of the garage rock movement, which has saturated rockradio and MTV for the last year.

With the release of their new album, "Elephant," Jack and MegWhite prove they are here to stay.

After the critically acclaimed album "White Blood Cells" wasreleased, the dynamic duo of garage rock is back with more colorco-ordinated outfits and a hard-hitting new album.

Like "White Blood Cells," the Whites incorporate a mixture offoot-stomping rock and blues.

The blues-inspired moments come in bits and pieces and arescattered throughout the album.

On the seven-minute long track called "Ball and Biscuit," Jacksings "Let's have a ball girl and take our sweet little time aboutit," with the grit and vulnerability of a seasoned bluesmusician.

With his mind-numbing guitar solos, Jack drives each track onthe album to an unpredictable musical destination.

On the track "I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself," hefrantically sings about his feelings on the unfortunate outcome ofa past relationship.

As he plays with a sense of frustration and urgency, the songcomes across as a brilliant act of sadness and desperation.

Although Meg's percussion skills seem questionable at times, shefollows closely behind Jack to lend a helping hand with herbrilliantly simplistic drum beats.

On the new album she takes a break from her drum kit to stepbehind the microphone. Meg whispers Jack's lyrics in to themicrophone on the track "Cold, Cold, Night."

Her voice isn't outstanding, but her shy approach to singingcomes across as sweet and realistic.

She also lends her unique vocal stylings to the love trianglecalled "It's True That We Love One Another."

This song also features another female vocalist by the name ofMiss Holli Golightly.

"It's True That We Love One Another" is definitely the last andmost fun track on the album. With only an acoustic guitar and atambourine Jack, Meg and Golightly create an adorable love songthat leaves listeners wondering. What else do the White Stripeshave up their sleeves?

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