If you find yourself in the vicinity of the Student Recreationand Fitness center Friday evening, be on the lookout for athundering herd of athletes.
The Department of Human Movement Sciences and Education (HMSE),is hosting its largest annual fundraiser: the Dash and SplashBiathlon.
The racers will follow a 2-mile run (the dash) with a 500-meterswim (the splash).
The event draws a wide variety of ages and ability levels.
"Last year we had over 200 competitors," said race organizerTeresa D. Adell. "As a matter of fact, one of last year's returningcompetitors will be 73 when he starts the race Friday."
2001 race participant Holly Huddleston, who teaches HMSE 1100and aerobics, said "The race really draws some of the top athletesin the area."
HMSE graduate student Sue Ellen Binkley will compete in theevent for the first time Friday. Binkley, who played volleyball atJames Madison University during her undergraduate studies, has seta modest goal for her first outing.
"I just don't want to be last!" Binkley said with a smile. "Iwork out with Coach Fadgen on swimming several days a week with agroup of faculty members who will be competing Friday."
Organizers are encouraging as many students as possible to getinvolved in the event.
"It's a university-sponsored function. We would like more of thestudent body involved," Adell said. "Fraternity and sororityinvolvement would be great. And there is almost no African-Americaninvolvement in the race. Where are the athletes of Alpha Phi Alphaand Omega Psi Phi?"
There are several ways to compete in the race.
For example, competitors can combine to form relay teams. Therelay entry fee is $20.
According to Adell, there will be a couple of married teamscompeting as relay teams.
The race features 13 age categories from 14 years old andyounger to 70 and over.
Male and female winners, first through third place, will receiveawards. The first 200 entries will receive T-shirts.
In honor of Jimmy Don Hester, "The Work Horse Award" will bepresented to a person exhibiting dedication, discipline and hardwork.