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America mourns loss of U.S. soldiers, journalist

Though we have mourned all casualties of the war against Iraq, arecent loss has sent shockwaves across not only the media family,but all of its audience as well.

David Bloom was an excellent reporter. He was fresh andengaging. Bloom was one of the many embedded journalists coveringthe crusade to bring freedom to Iraq. There are several journaliststhat I admire for their creativity, professionalism and style.Bloom was one of them. His beat at the White House carried him tothe position of co-anchor of the weekend edition of the TodayShow.

David Bloom was first-class. His success was not based on hisgood looks or charm, but on his ability to get the story and reportit without bias or prejudice. Those two elements often get lost inthe grand scheme of delivering fair and objective news.

I assumed that Bloom had been a casualty of the war crisis, butinstead he succumbed to a pulmonary embolism.

I do not agree with journalists being embedded in the waragainst Iraq. Peter Arnett and Geraldo Rivera have crossed the linewhile on the front line.

A group of journalists was recently released after being heldfor one week in an Iraqi prison. As the media vies for the goriestfootage, journalists compete for the best scoop. Though Ivehemently disagree with the display of the "raw footage," I stillhad an insatiable need to know the United States' status inOperation Iraqi Freedom.

When I want to know more than the print media can tell me, Iturn on the television. I was always pleased with the reports fromDavid Bloom. He seemed to bind his audience with his constant grinand smooth style. He had a knack for reporting even the grimmestsituations in such a way that left the audience with a feeling ofcalm regardless of the horrifying situation.

Bloom is but one of a few embedded journalists who provided usthe facts without an overzealous quality. He never forgot to credithis photographer while satiating our thirst for information.Bloom's recent reports from Iraq have been lauded as some of thebest pieces on war coverage ever. He traveled in his "Bloom Mobile"with one goal in mind -- to bring the facts to households acrossAmerica. Not the gore, just the facts. He did so with pride andappeal.

I know that many will mourn the loss of such a talented andrespected journalist. His gallantry is to be admired andremembered.

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