As budget woes rack The University of Memphis, Universityofficials have hired a new employee to help ease the pain.
The Purchasing Department at The University of Memphis hiredCanty Robbins as the new purchasing director this month to replaceJoe Bond, who died last September.
As purchasing director, Robbins will develop, implement and signuniversity contracts. Given the state's current fiscal woes, herjob performance will be of particular interest.
"As we face yet another budget crisis, the Purchasing Departmentwill continue to develop new and better ways of doing business byobtaining quality goods and services for The University at the mostcost-effective price and in compliance with legal requirements,"Robbins said.
"Our University has tremendous buying power, and we utilizevarious contacts and other purchasing initiatives to obtain qualityproducts and services at excellent savings. We have the expertiseand business ethics needed to add value to The University whilealso promoting dollar savings."
Robbins said she invites all university departments to includethe purchasing department at their planning tables so they cananticipate the needs and seek the best methods for acquiringquality goods and services.
"Canty has more than 20 years of experience in all aspects ofpurchasing for higher education, including buying and competitivebidding, development of requests for proposals, lease negotiation,contract compliance, surplus property disposal and auxiliaryenterprise support," said Charles Lee, vice president for Businessand Finance.
Robbins earned a bachelor's degree in management from ChristianBrothers University and a master's degree in operations managementfrom the University of Arkansas. Before coming to The U of M, shewas director of Purchasing and Auxiliary Services at SouthwestTennessee Community College.
"Over the course of 21 years, I had the opportunity of leadingthe purchasing department at the former State Tech and then playeda major role in consolidating the purchasing functions of ShelbyState Community College and State Technical Institute at Memphis toform the new Southwest Tennessee Community College," Robbinssaid.
As the new director, Robbins is responsible for the managementof the purchasing function for The University. She will develop,revise and implement purchasing policies and procedures and provideassistance and advice to buying staff.
"The new director will use every means possible to continue toseek out the best prices available for goods and services requiredby The University while still adhering to (Tennessee Board ofRegents) guidelines and state of Tennessee regulations," said TanyaGroves, assistant to Lee.