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Commemorative bricks, new seal to be unveiled

George Mayo, left guard for The University of Memphis's 1938football team, and his wife Mildred decided to commemorate thefootball team's untied and undefeated '38 season by purchasing analumni brick for each former player.

In honor of The University's 90th anniversary, Universityofficials will dedicate these bricks along with many others in theStudent Plaza. They will also dedicate the new V. Lane RawlinsUniversity Services Court Building and Clock Tower today at 4 p.m.The new University seal will be unveiled as well.

"I think (University President Shirley Raines) thought it was agood time to show off our newest buildings, and at the same time,celebrate our history of the past 90 years," said Sharon Koelle,annual giving director for The U of M.

More than 500 alumni bricks have been purchased to celebrategraduations and to honor past University presidents anddistinguished faculty members.

"We have parents buying them for their children in honor oftheir graduation and children buying them for their parents inhonor of their graduation," Cole said.

The bricks range from $100 to $250 and can be purchased byanyone.

"There was nothing about the old logo or old seal that wasinherent to our university so what we've done is create somethingthat is uniquely ours," said Linda Michael, associate vicepresident of marketing and communications for The University.

The University has worked in conjunction with Sossman andAssociates for the past three years on a graphics campaign toupdate all its graphical elements except the athletic logo.

Faculty, students, alumni, administrative staff and Raines had ahand in designing the graphics, Michael said.

Tomorrow, the new seal will be able to be seen on flags in theplaza and banners at the corners of campus. The other changes wouldbe gradual, Michael added.

In addition to the unveiling of the new seal and the brickdedication, The University will dedicate the new addition to the V.Lane Rawlins University Services Court and Clock Tower. V. LaneRawlins was the 10th president of The University.

The rain site for the events will be the Michael D. RoseTheatre.

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