Now, it is never my intent to publicly attack the rhetorical and intellectual deficiencies of a fellow Negro, but as Popeye would say, “I can stands no more!” It is high time someone of competent intellectual stature respond to the buffoonery that saturates the weekly articles submitted by the textually incompetent Tracy Adams. I am extremely appalled by the BET Comicview-like commentary in which the Daily Helmsman allows to be published under the auspices of journalism. At best, Adams’ words of slum-like wisdom only appeal to those who possess a low base humor that only resides in the hearts and psyches of projects, trailer parks, and BET viewers.
There is no need for the continual perpetuation of this “coonish,” “Jim Crow” stereotype in which the Black intelligentsia has tried so diligently to eradicate. Tracy, do us all a favor and avoid further self-humiliation by continuing to produce these "Step n' Fetchit,”Amos n’ Andy-like, fourth grade notes in which you and the Helmsman connivingly call commentaries. Do us all a favor. Read some periodicals, watch some CNN, and sit down at the computer and possibly attempt to write a pertinent, social text that will show that you maintain an inkling of intelligence and tact so that the masses won’t mistake you for a modern-day Mammy; one who essentially uplifts the ideologies of a racist media and government that exists behind a veil of “equal opportunity” and “political correctness,” while debasing one’s own ethnic group of origin.
If you consult your “Aunt Ophelia,” I am sure you will continue with your shallow text that exists only within the vacuum of tomfoolery, but you will continue to be a victim of not only my rhetorical guillotine but other cognitive readers and writers as well. Or, you could always RESIGN.
Gerald J. Joyner, Graduate Student(TA), English-Literature.