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Cheating rate low at U of M

The first week of school is over, and assignments begin to pile up as students ignore their books for football games, barbecues and parties. Tests and papers are due before they realize, and students find themselves frantically searching for a way to pass.

Unfortunately, a few students try to cheat.

The Office of Student Judicial and Ethical Programs at The University of Memphis handles all student misconduct including inappropriate social conduct, acts of intimidation and cheating. Punishments for academic dishonesty range from a lower grade on an assignment to an F in the class.

Dwayne J. Scott, associate dean of the Office of Judicial Affairs, deals with all accusations of misconduct, including cheating.

"Professors have two options," Scott said. "They can refer the case to my office for an administrative hearing, and it will go before the Academic Discipline Committee. Or they can opt for a summary discipline."

Teachers who choose summary discipline report the misconduct to the chair of their department, and the student receives an F for the assignment or class.

A certified letter is sent to notify the student, who may appeal in five days. If the student chooses to appeal, a written statement must be filed with the Office of Student Judicial and Ethical Programs.

"Typically, we have summary disciplines," said Scott. "I have been in this position since November 2001, and I have never had to deal with a request for a hearing."

While cheating may be a major problem on many campuses, The U of M has faired well in 2002.

"In the spring semester, we didn't have that many cases," Scott said. "Maybe eight cases. Eight at the most."

The Judicial Affairs Office has dealt with two cases this semester, but both were initiated in the spring.

Students can learn more about The University's policies on conduct and academic honesty from the 2001-2002 Code of Student Conduct Handbook available at the judicial affairs office on the first floor of the University Center.

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