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U of M Staff Senate elects new officers

The Staff Senate of The University of Memphis held elections last week to determine its new officers for the 2002-03 school year.

The new officers include Calvin Strong, president; Hope Smith, vice president; Carol Laney, Web site coordinator; Leslie Peach, membership coordinator; Sherry Crone, public relations coordinator; and Pam Cash, who retained her position as secretary.

Strong, who has worked at The U of M for 24 years, is the physical plant director of landscape and custodial services. As senate president, Strong said he hopes to make The University a more comfortable place for the staff to work.

“I believe the work that the Staff Senate does is important, but it needs to be a bit more visible and active,” Strong said.

He said he hopes to help the staff to become more involved in campus activities, such as homecoming and welcoming new students as they move into their dorms and start taking classes.

“I think that the senate should find the pulse of the staff,” Strong said, “because so many people just work here and then go home. I want them to enjoy their jobs and enjoy what’s going on at The University.”

The Staff Senate, which has positions for up to 50 senators, collects food for The U of M’s annual food drive and also organizes a yearly staff appreciation day with a picnic.

Besides its regular duties, Strong does not foresee any major difficulties the senate will face this year.

“If there were big issues, they could be dealt with,” Strong said. “And the senate is basically a research and advisory group, so we don’t have the power to change anything on our own.”

However, what the senate can do is act as a liaison between the staff and the administration.

The Staff Senate’s new vice president, Hope Smith, said that the next year might be challenging for the newly elected senate officers.

“We’re looking at a very difficult year financially because of possible budget decreases,” Smith said. “And I hope to represent my fellow employees’ concerns to the administration.”

Smith, who has worked at The University for 10 years, is an administrative associate in interdisciplinary studies.

Staff Senate elections are held every summer, and findings from committees in which the senate holds a seat will be posted on the senate’s Web site.

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