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More thoughts on "Voices of Peace"

Dear Editor:

I'm writing in response to the October 2nd article entitled "Voices of Peace makes U of M students aware of peaceful alternatives to violence."

It spoke about a "drum circle" which the Voices of Peace organization sponsored. This event was set up to "denounce the aggressive stance the American Government has taken towards Middle Eastern and Asian countries."

Now I just want the members of Voices of Peace to think about this logically. If a bully takes the lunch money of a little scrawny kid and all that the kid does is whine and cry about it then the very next day the same bully is going to take the lunch money from that kid again.

It is the same way with terrorists.

They have attacked us and if the United States just whines and cries about it then it will just happen again. We HAVE to take action against those who have attacked our freedom!

And the article also stated that Voices of Peace believes "that the best way to fight violence and terrorism is to critically evaluate U.S. foreign policy."

How can you say something like that? That statement just took the blame away from the terrorists and put it onto the U.S. That is definitely NOT the way that we should approach this situation.

We should take a firm stance against the organization that committed this horrible act and against any country that supports this terrorist group. We need to ensure that this will never happen again. One more thing in the article which I could not believe when I read it was the statement by Julie Rogers. She said, "Now we know what it feels like to lose innocent people like we've done to others."

Huh? What? When has the U.S. attacked innocent people? I never heard of anything like that in any of the history classes that I've ever taken.

Maybe I missed something, but I've grown up knowing that the U.S. stands for liberty, justice and freedom. I don't understand how any American citizen could say that we have attacked innocent people around the world.

Now I know that Voices of Peace means well, but these viewpoints of theirs just don't seem logical to me. Yes, I agree that World Peace would be a great thing, but it will never happen. There are too many evil people in the world who will continue to hate those of us who love and live for freedom.

So what we must do is retaliate against those evil people and stop as many of them as we can from committing anymore evil acts like we witnessed three weeks ago.

However, I do agree with the Voices of Peace on one thing. They call for the "tolerance and understanding of ethnic citizens residing here as Americans." I also agree with this statement.

We should not be prejudiced against the innocent people here in the U.S who are of the Islamic culture.

These U.S. citizens did not have anything to do with these evil acts and we should not commit any acts of hatred against them.

However, if there are any people here in the U.S. which are in support of those terrible acts then I have this to say to you, Get Out of Our Country!

And I only have one way to end this response:

God Bless America!

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