One theme of Shirley Raines’ administration at The University of Memphis is to “invest in students,” and last Thursday and Friday, some students invested in her.
As droves of students returned to The U of M campus, President Raines and her husband “Dr. Bob” hefted boxes and toted bags to help the students move into their dorm rooms.
“This is a brand new experience (for students), and it is important to have a friendly face and a helping hand,” said Bill Porter, assistant vice president of Student Affairs and dean of students. “It really sets the tone for the upcoming year.”
Along with Raines, many other faculty and staff members helped ease the students’ transitions into a new living environment.
The faculty and staff volunteer squad also greeted many of the incoming students and provided them with information about student life in the dorms.
Raines said it is important to make students feel comfortable and welcome at The University, and that she takes a personal interest in staying involved with the student body.
She also addressed students enrolled in the “Freshmen First” program, a program for first-time freshmen which serves as an information and support source.
Raines gave pointers on adjusting to campus life, making new friends and getting involved in University activities.
“Freshmen who get involved in their school move on to their second semesters and tend to do better,” Raines said.
Raines also stressed the importance of attending class and excelling as a student.
Staff volunteers also shared stories about why they wanted to help on move-in day.
“I can remember moving to the dorm as a freshman and how nice it would have been to have some help,” said Frances Frazier, a staff volunteer.
Frazier added that students start each semester with anxious anticipation and that they truly appeared to appreciate the welcoming faces and helping hands.
“It’s very good and helpful of them,” said Anu Adeonus, a sophomore moving into Richardson Towers. “It’s all about love on campus.”
Residence Life also provided cold drinks at the dorm’s door for students and their families while they moved personal belongings.
Danny Armitage, associate dean of Residence Life and Dining Services, said he hopes students will receive a lasting and positive first impression of The U of M.
“We have lots of things going on to get things off to a good start,” Armitage said.
There were many activities over the weekend to help make students feel more comfortable.
On Friday afternoon, there was a picnic with Raines for faculty, staff, students and their families.
Raines wanted to personally meet and greet students and their families as they begin a new semester at The University of Memphis.
Later Friday evening, students were entertained by music, snacks and a comedian. Saturday, move-in continued through the early afternoon, with a carnival for students and staff following that evening.