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Comer wants SGA to start 'Uniting Students'

"Uniting Students" is the campaign promise of US party's Adam Comer and Elizabeth Shelly. Comer, who is currently a speaker of the senate, and Shelly, a senator, said they plan to bring the Student Government Association together to achieve results.

Comer said in the last three years that he's been in the SGA, he's seen the potential of the organization wasted.

"There have been a lot of promises made to improve the SGA that haven't been kept," Comer said. He said every year the enthusiasm drops off mid-way, and results are not achieved.

"The University needs to be proud of their SGA," Comer said.

Comer said the main reason for SGA's lack of results is the communication gap between the SGA and the student body. He said communication is the key to improving the relations with students.

Comer said if elected, he plans to make students aware of what the SGA is doing by sending out press releases and announcing plans in the school newspaper.

His plans also include getting the senators to work together and encouraging a spirit of cooperation. Comer said it's important the senators get to know one another and come to meetings.

Comer said he plans to organize a retreat for the senators where they will learn to get bills written and passed.

Comer said he feels an important issue is student safety. He plans to address the bad lighting in the Central parking lot.

"It's not safe there -- even I don't want to park in the back (of the Central lot)," Comer said. He said he plans to work with Campus Safety and The University of Memphis administration in getting the situation resolved.

Another issue he plans to address is the student meal plan.

Comer said The U of M's current plan only allows students to use their plan at Richardson Towers. He said other universities allow their students to use meal plans at other cafeterias on their campuses.

"I want to have the same meal plan, where students can use it at the Tiger Den and the UC," he said.

"Adam will be an excellent president," said Shelly, US party's vice-presidential candidate.

She said she had not planned to run in the upcoming election, but wanted to work with Comer when he asked her to be his vice-president.

Shelly said with both her and Comer's senate experience, she feels they can get the SGA back to where it should be.

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