All is fair in love and war, (and politics and basketball as well).
Let me explain. These are just a few short personal comments on the life and social scene from my point of view.
Love is great. It's marvelous. It's exciting. It's ... completely unpredictable. Boy grows up, girl grows up. Boy meets girl and falls in love. On the other hand, boy might meet boy, (or girl meet girl) and fall in love on the same note. While the status and individuals might not seem like a perfect match, feelings are feelings -- you can't deny them.
I hear the subject of sexual preference being tossed around all the time.
"God made Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve," one might say.
Who are we to say what God meant when He created this thing called the world? Nobody, is who.
Everyone has a preference, so do what you feel.
Don't worry about opinions -- they are like rear ends: everybody has one, but I don't necessarily want to know what yours looks like.
War is hell, or at least it can be, so I have been told. Why man has created outlets involving violent weaponry to release his frustration because of (what else?) "a conflicting opinion" or ideological disagreement, I will never know. Some of us will never literally see battle, while others having been engaged in an internal conflict since birth.
We are given a situation and react as we must. Everyone has the right to walk away or participate, so in essence, war is indeed fair. We are so caught up in the logistics of war that we often fail to realize that is just might be us who has launched the initial assault, instead of someone else.
A comedian I once heard said that the solution for war was women's underwear. I was puzzled until I heard his rationalization.
"You take a thousand angry men with guns, march them around in women's underwear for a couple hours, and they will feel so good that they won't want to shoot anyone."
Enough said.
All is also fair in politics. Those who choose to run for public office should know what they are getting into. If you aren't exactly thrilled with the idea of being followed, quoted and criticized on a constant basis, then I suggest you not run. Politics is more than kissing babies, shaking hands and holding fundraisers. People will put you in some of the most uncomfortable positions you have ever encountered (take Bill Clinton, for example). In baseball terms, "don't step up to the plate if you know there's a chance you might get beaned with the ball."
So how is basketball fair?
Look at this year's NCAA tournament -- any given lower seeded team can out-shoot, out-pass and out-rebound any top seeded team on any given day. It's a luck of the draw, some people get good breaks, other's don't.
Just like love and war and politics.