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Rumors of ticket shortage untrue

As the Tigers gear up for the big game on Saturday, versus Tennessee, rumors are flying and some students have gotten the incorrect impression that there won't be any room for them at the game.

Senior Kirsten Marks was upset about the information she received that The University only reserved 1,000 student tickets.

"When I called the athletic ticket office they said only the first 1,000 students would be admitted to the game," Marks said. "They also said that they sold more student tickets to the University of Tennessee so that they could make more money."

She was also under the impression that in some cases a student guest who bought a ticket might be able to get in the game -- leaving the student stranded outside the Liberty Bowl gates.

Athletic Director R. C. Johnson wants all students to know there will be plenty of room for them at the game.

"No seats in the student section have been sold," Johnson said. "The University of Tennessee was given 8,000 tickets, which will not interfere with University of Memphis students being able to sit in their assigned section."

"The rumors that are floating around are totally untrue," said Johnson. "If all 21,000 students show up to the game I am sure that it will be quite cozy, but no U of M student will be turned away."

Cassandra Walker of the bursar's office confirmed that the 1,000 tickets were for guests.

"The 1,000 tickets set aside are for the students' guests," Walker said. "All students will be allowed in the game with their college ID and the only students that have to buy a ticket are part time students with less than five hours."

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