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Letter to the Editor: Another angle on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

It is a sad state of affairs when the Memphis Jewish Student Union has such a shallow pool of candidates that they must make Naftali Thomas their vice president.

Two points about Thomas's recent letter slandering the Palestinians and Muslims in general:

1. Before you begin cataloguing events, be sure you know what you are talking about. e.g. "Where were [Muslims] when the Russian military killed Afghanis?"

Actually, thousands of Muslim volunteers poured in from all over the world to defend Afghanistan from the Russians. "Where were they when Bosnians killed thousands of their Muslim brethren?" Ditto. As far as the references to Syria and Iraq are concerned, the question doesn't even make sense. Where were they? They were being slaughtered by totalitarian governments. Was this somehow their own faults? Please. Read a little, before you pretend to be an expert.

2. Mr. Afflitto's response is right. Wanton generalizations like the ones made by Thomas are overtly racist and therefore immoral. Spineless Jews like you, Mr. Thomas, rail at the misled spokespersons of the powerless -- meanwhile shaking hands with the Henry Fords -- the powerful white men that use Israel as a pawn in their game.

For the sake of your own people, realize that perpetuating racist ideas not only hinders your own spiritual progress, it traps Jews in a tenuous position, caught in the very middle of the deadly race game. Nobody is safe in a world where groups of peoples‚ lives can be devalued based on their ethnicity or faith, least of all Jews. Until Thomas, and other racist Jews understand this, there will never be peace for Israel or Palestine.

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